Earl Reinink: No birds today..
Earl Reinink: On display..
mandokid1: Chipping sparrow with grasshopper prey.
Megan Lorenz: Toucanet
www.studebakerstudio.com: Northern Pygmy Owl - Utah
Mike Veltri: Belted Kingfisher (female)
mandokid1: Mourning warbler
Brad James ~ Nature Photography: Greater Yellowlegs...
ricmcarthur: Canada warbler
Earl Reinink: B&B (Bunting and blossoms)
Khurram Khan...: Its a Whimbrel
mandokid1: Northern Parula.
Glenn Bartley - www.glennbartley.com: Blue-breasted Fairywren (Malurus pulcherrimus)
Brad James ~ Nature Photography: Lesser Yellowlegs...
Earl Reinink: Redstart
Earl Reinink: A ten point dive..
Turk Images: Evening Grosbeak - Female
mandokid1: Blue-winged warbler.(female)
Phiddy1: Eastern bluebird (f)
mandokid1: Alder Flycatcher. Northern Ontario
Earl Reinink: Hummingbird and begonia
Phiddy1: Swamp sparrow
Garfield's Adventures: Scarlet Tanager
www.studebakerstudio.com: Varied Bunting - Arizona
gseloff: Sage
mandokid1: Alder Flycatcher.(Lifer)
Gord Sawyer: Baltimore Oriole
www.studebakerstudio.com: Orchard Oriole and Apple Blossoms
Earl Reinink: Orchard Oriole - back view