a.sideways18: Boardwalk by the bay
a.sideways18: The fog at Frogmore
a.sideways18: The world is made up of so many colours
a.sideways18: In the reeds
a.sideways18: An ignored beacon in the night
a.sideways18: No, what are you looking at?
a.sideways18: Bait shack
a.sideways18: Whale watching
a.sideways18: Sitting on the dock at Santa Cruz
a.sideways18: Peace at sunset
a.sideways18: Paddle wheel serenity
a.sideways18: Playing the blues for my baby
a.sideways18: Sail or moon?
a.sideways18: Waiting for one last wave
a.sideways18: Tranquility
a.sideways18: The perfect sunset
a.sideways18: Rainy days and mondays
a.sideways18: SL virtual worlds and games Landscapes group cover
a.sideways18: End of the line, or the beginning? It’s all a matter of direction.
a.sideways18: Tranquility is a beach state of mind.
a.sideways18: Little did Antony know, the cormorants had seen the camera flash and were readying their attack.
a.sideways18: Okay, okay... you can come, but you have to help row.
a.sideways18: Tread lightly so as not to disturb the beauty around you
a.sideways18: A little piece of Mexico.
a.sideways18: Be the light, not the rocks.
a.sideways18: Fill your eyes with waking light
a.sideways18: Don’t fixate on the obstacle, embrace the challenge instead.
a.sideways18: Why yes i did have a James Taylor song in my head, why’d you ask?
a.sideways18: No hell below us, above us only sky
a.sideways18: Second star to the right and straight on till morning