Nejdet Duzen: The Temple of Artemis in Sardis ...
Alexandra Galiano: i lost my way
Jabi Artaraz: Otoño en el hayedo
joxe@n: LA LUNA Y LOS NIÑOS..............
Serlunar (tks for 8.8 million views): White Swans in a Blue Lake
WaysBcn: Every second counts
8o8bikes: burning white
lombartBCN: Torres-del-Port-Olímpic-(Barcelona)--Torres-del-Puerto-Olimpico-(Barcelona)
madisonprincipal: On the Line
Nykoh: R0031308-2
Wandering Dom: ~ SQUARED AGAIN X 4 ~
robin & simona benea: irreal... in Surduc Lake!
thorsteinns: Viðrar vel til loftárása
Naveed Mughal: Marina Waves - My Favourite Place
thorsteinns: Midnight in a perfect world
MarsFree: Syrmata Milos
roberto.r: col 3
suo_zi_xie: 油瓮
SansanSydney (vERY bUSY): a man after shopping ...
mazzodani: Walking in the night...
rhinozaur: day off
r.batista: Samaná #22
My Baby Mia: ~ "F" Word from the Broken Heart ~from Human Desire and other Disasters
δημητριος: Cyprus Paphos Castle