antigone78: Catching up.
antigone78: Talkin'
antigone78: Lindsey
antigone78: Cherie, Dad and Lindsey
antigone78: Katie and Kat.
antigone78: Aunt Carol blowing out her candles.
antigone78: Kat getting tickles from her mama.
antigone78: Uncle Jarrett cracking Kat up.
antigone78: My dad is a sucker for dorable girls. ;)
antigone78: Kat and Katie.
antigone78: Aunt Carol opening presents.
antigone78: Jarrett and Lindsey
antigone78: Jarrett talking to my dad and Cherie
antigone78: Jarrett very proud of little Madison.
antigone78: Aunt Jenn taking a picture of Cassidy taking a picture of Aunt Jenn
antigone78: Playin'
antigone78: Lindsey and Aunt Katie hug.
antigone78: Lindsey prepared an excellent meal for us.