antigone78: Salinas Airshow
antigone78: Jesus is Love
antigone78: Count the Rivets
antigone78: Pylon Painted
antigone78: Traffic Buster
antigone78: A-10 Thunderbolt II Tank Buster
antigone78: 30 mm GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling Gun
antigone78: Big. Ass. Ammo.
antigone78: Blue Angels
antigone78: Blue Angels
antigone78: Blue Angels Flyover
antigone78: P-51 and A-10
antigone78: Ben & Cameron
antigone78: Car Eater
antigone78: Upsidedown
antigone78: Now she's on TOP of the wings.
antigone78: Playing dodge
antigone78: All in a row.
antigone78: Loop Exit
antigone78: FANCY!