antigone78: Those eyes!
antigone78: BFFs already.
antigone78: Curious Kumo
antigone78: Kumo at In & Out
antigone78: IMG_4618
antigone78: IMG_4619
antigone78: IMG_4622
antigone78: Aftermath of DogParkTime
antigone78: Saturday at the dog park.
antigone78: WAIT FOR ME! WAIT FOR ME!
antigone78: Kumo and Max
antigone78: Benched
antigone78: Kumo training.
antigone78: Out cold.
antigone78: OHHAI!
antigone78: That's a bull's wiener...
antigone78: Water Dog.
antigone78: Rollerblading with Kumo
antigone78: A dog and his chicken.
antigone78: Bob's pack
antigone78: Amy and Kumo
antigone78: And then my heart exploded from The Cute.
antigone78: It just gets cuter and cuter.
antigone78: Till this..
antigone78: Pissed of dog in 3... 2...
antigone78: I really hate you a55h0les.
antigone78: Kumo and Ben.
antigone78: Toothy grin