antigone78: Hans Stuck
antigone78: More of Hans Stuck
antigone78: Sleepy kitty.
antigone78: He already likes Ben most..
antigone78: Exploring
antigone78: Sleepy kitty
antigone78: Sleepy kitty
antigone78: Hans likes shoes
antigone78: Punk Rock Hans
antigone78: Hans Stuck Room
antigone78: Hans and Dora
antigone78: Hans and Dora hug
antigone78: Cleaning.
antigone78: I'm SO CUTE!
antigone78: He loves to lay up here.
antigone78: What's goin' on down there?
antigone78: Silly Hans!
antigone78: Bite
antigone78: Fighter
antigone78: "I rather like the yellow"
antigone78: Han's is so Metrosexual
antigone78: Devil cat.
antigone78: What. Do. You. Want?
antigone78: Round 1: Hans
antigone78: Round 2: KC
antigone78: Booboo
antigone78: Lazy cats
antigone78: *lick*
antigone78: Even the cats were being lazy.
antigone78: KC tries to kill Hans.