Fran Hells: Uhhh~
brandi666: Destruction
Plaid Ninja: Back of the SUUUUUUUUUUUPER Joystick system
Plaid Ninja: I guess this really does have 76,000 games
Plaid Ninja: If you're the kind of person who would actually buy this then I'd assume you already have the book memorized
Plaid Ninja: Where will he go?
Tiffibunny: Metallica II Comic Book Front Cover
Plaid Ninja: Hair Raising Coffee!
Tiffibunny: Metallica II Comic Book Back Cover
Plaid Ninja: Ultimate BBQ Burger - INNARDS
Plaid Ninja: Ultimate BBQ Burger @ Famous Dave's
Tiffibunny: The Metallica Comic Book Front Cover
Plaid Ninja: Relics - old floppy discs, including seriously old phat floppies
Plaid Ninja: Mr Moo says WTF is vinyl?
Tiffibunny: Metallica Fan Can #1 Stupid Shit CD Outside
Tiffibunny: Metallica One Japanese Mini Album Import CD
J.C.Ramone: anthrax 001
Omom: Anthrax
Rik Goldman: 1-2-3-4...
Rik Goldman: Dimebag of Pantera
Rik Goldman: Dimebag Darrell with Pantera
Rik Goldman: Anthrax's Scott Ian
dannycohen62: Anthrax Guitarist's Simpsons Guitar
Rik Goldman: Anthrax's Frank Bello
ttrentham: Anthrax
ttrentham: Metallica
ttrentham: Anthrax