James Webb Space Telescope: NASA's Webb Reveals Unusual Jets of Volatile Gas from Icy Centaur 29P (Artist's Concept)
James Webb Space Telescope: Centaur 29P Outgassing (NIRSpec)
James Webb Space Telescope: The Exotic Stellar Population of Westerlund 1 (NIRCam)
James Webb Space Telescope: #UnfoldTheUniverse art - by Felicia Tsung
James Webb Space Telescope: Galaxy cluster SPT-CL J0615−5746 (wide-field view)
Rolando CRINITI: Orso bruno _023
Rolando CRINITI: Nibbio bruno _004
Rolando CRINITI: Martin pescatore _094
Rolando CRINITI: Pettirosso _033
Marie Photographe: Self portrait
Jamie Frith: Reflection Love
Celeste Messina: Aarhus - Mollestien
Celeste Messina: Giardino di Ninfa, Lazio
Celeste Messina: Mattine limpide alla finestra
Celeste Messina: Gaeta - Panoranica sul mare da Via Pio IX
Celeste Messina: Miseno, Campania
Arnemetia22: L'avoir dans l'oeil...
alessandrorossini.com: Golden hour over Sømna
JFLI0325: Tiger Stick after Sunset at Mt. Hehuan
JFLI0325: Clouds Flowing after Sunset at Mt. Hehuan
Scott Youmans: X100V_DSC1388_SCY
Victor Frezza: Hasselblad 500cm
里卡豆: 台中七期重劃區|台中 西屯區 Taichung
里卡豆: X100V|FUJIFILM 富士
jaredpolin: FKP_5876
Truthful Kindness: Ukraine Finding Peace in Turmoil
Celeste Messina: Isola di Skye - Mentre tutto scorre