Steve Cooke-SRAviation: Late Night Lightning Shift.
Tower Guy: My last Corvette, I photo bombed it with this Strike Eagle.
Steve Cooke-SRAviation: Lightning Departure
Steve Cooke-SRAviation: Lightning Line up!
Tower Guy: Arizona Sunset.
Tower Guy: Night time in the EOR, good times!
Steve Cooke-SRAviation: Lightning Sunset
Steve Cooke-SRAviation: Strike Eagle Misty Sunset
Tower Guy: Departures backing up waiting for the arrivals to land.
Tower Guy: More dust than smoke.
Jonathan Navarro: SKY HIGH TIGER
Jonathan Navarro: 'ASCOT 4492' ZM419 | A400M-180 Atlas C1 | 70 SQN
Jonathan Navarro: 188757 | CF-188 | 425 SQ
Tower Guy: Growler on the prowl.
The National Guard: Idaho National Guard
Angelo Bufalino: Hog Pull
Angelo Bufalino: You'll need a top secret clearance to get any closer
Jonathan Navarro: HELL CAT 2
The National Guard: Colorado National Guard
Tower Guy: A Tophat heading to the range.
S.C. Air National Guard: SCANG hosts NORAD-sponsored Super Bowl LIII air defense media day
CONG1860: Green Flag
Vegasrails: Into the sunset
G. Reaper: 406A1839-C-B-SH-S
The National Guard: Ohio National Guard