Naman Verma: I have a million crumbled love letters, in my throat right now. It feels like I am choking on broken promises. -dhas
yell saccani: magnets second bunch @yell saccani
Plasticboystudio_: Little before lunch time.
Plasticboystudio_: D7K_0830.jpg
Plasticboystudio_: D7K_2383.jpg
Juan The Fly Factory: Taras 02_ libro kike del toro 14_0776
El Argonauta ☆: _trilogía de ti
Guimaré Fotografía: Edu Rosa (Actor)
robby.cavanaugh: from cinder.
The Look Films: Uri Sàbat y Daniela Blume Presentadores 'Háztelo Mirar'
The Look Films: Summer Life - The Penelopes
Juan Luis Rúa: Heredeiros da Crus - LP45 - Ordes - 24/05/2013
jooka5000: C-3PO (run run, i'm scared)
aHoy Roy: Boyo alone
Alessia.Izzo: Elena VI
MattJohnRobinson: Stranger 30/100 -- IJ