alanood.r: غلا ♥
alanood.r: my birthday present
alanood.r: my birthday
alanood.r: my birthday
alanood.r: my boy
alanood.r: mickey mouse store
alanood.r: marry me
alanood.r: watermelon juice
alanood.r: Starbucks Red Velvet Whoopie Pie
alanood.r: We Used to Wait
alanood.r: so alive
alanood.r: على ضِفاف حُبك / أيقنتُ بِأنكَ مِن ضمنَ الأشياء التي لا تتكرر
alanood.r: سبحان الله
alanood.r: If I had a single flower for everytime I think of u....I could walk forever in my garden.
alanood.r: Love is the beautiful flower that is forever blooming