annzas: 016
annzas: Typical. Evan with a huge fake smile, holding a present with his feet and Rowen, who is not impressed with anything.
annzas: I just want to kiss her cheeks all.the.time. #nofilter
annzas: It's nice windy, warm day to eat some watermelon.
annzas: Dinosaurs.
annzas: Not the best picture ever but it just shows how close they must at all times. It usually ends up with one of them crying, ha.
annzas: Surprise dinner picnic at the beach!
annzas: OMG.
annzas: An out take
annzas: At birthday party number 1!
annzas: A 40 minute car nap was like reset button for them. They are ready for part two of this beautiful weather.
annzas: Toddler capris! I die.
annzas: Even thought there are two steering wheels, they want the same one. Sounds about right.
annzas: There's two sterling wheels but they want the same one. Sounds about right.
annzas: I love them.
annzas: Classic Ro.
annzas: My morning so far. Evan walks into the bathroom and says, in the clearest sentence ever, "I cut Ro's hair." *sigh*
annzas: Rowen always wears an undershirt but today I was feeling like living on the edge. All of the sudden, I hear the biggest raspberry sounds ever. I walk into the front room and this is happening along with big belly laughs.
annzas: Her face, belly, and thighs.
annzas: Yupppp. This sums up 17months perfectly.
annzas: She grabbed his hand and pulled him in the direction she wanted to go. Just a little bossy.
annzas: Evan on the 27th!
annzas: Heart butt. #latergram
annzas: Sibling love.
annzas: This girl, man. #latergram
annzas: Sweetness.
annzas: IMG_0169
annzas: IMG_0054