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albums of AnnvW
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Bronzeback Tree Snake
Grasshopper (G)
Parkridge 2025
Grey Swallowtail Moth
Ambiguous Longhorn Beetle
Cardinal beetle
Green shield bug
The Netherlands 2024
England 2024
Parkridge 2024
Walks 2
Appelscha & area
The Netherlands 2023
Parkridge 2023
Floriade Expo 2022
the Netherlands 2022
Parkridge 2022
England 2022
Jumping Spider (Bavia sp.)
Parkridge 2021
ID moths
Through the window
Manila/Antipolo Sunsets (D)
Boats & Views
Bridges & Views
England 2021
Flowers in NL
Dutch architecture
Trees glorious trees
The Netherlands 2020/2021
Cloud Iridescence
Foxtail palm
Shield/Stink bug (Halyomorpha scutellata)
Common water hyacinth
Even-banded hawkmoth (Neogurelca hyas)
Bismarck palm
Northumberland 2019
Palm King butterfly (x2)
Cadier en Keer
Yorkshire 2018
Lancashire 2018
Northumberland 2018
Common Evening Brown butterfly
Bleeding Heart Vine
Doorways, doors and gates
Goat life
English coastline
Dutch garden
coffee & tea
Common Wolf Snake
Atlas wing
Mindoro (Stairway Foundation)
Beetle (Protaetia sp.)
the other side
Pico de Loro
Nurture Spa, Tagaytay
Taal Volcano
Lesbury 2017
Geometrid moth (Eumelea sp.)
Craster, U.K.
River Maas
Lakawon Island
Pinto Art Museum
Fruit Piercing Moth (Eudocima sp. - discrepans?)
Erebid moth (Ataboruza sp.)
Grasshopper (F)
Fruit Piercing Moth (Eudocima phalonia, female)
Crambid moth (Sameodes cancellalis)
Lynx spider (Oxyopidae, Hamataliwa sp.)
Geometrid moth (Biston sp. nr. suppressaria)
Katydid xxx
Newton by the Sea
Lesbury 2016
Bowden Doors, Northumberland
Geometrid moth (Problepsis sp.)
Ti Plant (Cordyline fruticosa) 'Kiwi'
Assassin bug (Triatoma rubrofasciata)
Valentine concert
La Union
Erebus moth (A) (x3)
Sambali Beach Farm
Fruit Piercing moth (Eudocima phalonia)
katydid (xx)
Rotterdam 2
Jumping Spider (X)
Potter wasp house
Spider nest
Misc Manila/Antipolo
Jumping Spider (A) (x2)
Mr Jumping Spider
Kapok seed pod
Walkway concert
kiwi alpacas
Porina Moth (Wiseana spp.)
Grey House Spider
New Zealand
Katydid (x)
Weevil (x)
Planthopper (C)
Mantis & Katydid
Moth eggs (Tiger?)
Cosmet moth (Macrobathra sp.)
Jezebel butterfly (Delias henningia henningia)
Grasshopper (E)
Tiger moth (Spilosoma or Spilarctia sp.)
Tussock moth (Arctornis sp.) (x2)
Huntsman spider and egg sac
Spider egg sac?
Tiger Moth (Barsine cuneonotatus)
Pale Brown Hawk Moth (Theretra latreillii)
Brown Tussock Moth Caterpillar
Moth (anon)
Grasshopper (D)
Geometrid Moth (Cleora sp.)
Transverse Moth (Xanthodes transversa)
Impatiens (Impatiens walleriana)
Peace Lily
Angel's Trumpet
Golden Trumpet
Erebid moth (Dysgonia sp.)
Orange Cosmos
Yellow Walking Iris
Paper Kite Butterfly
Crambid moth (Glyphodes sp.)
Bagworm (x2)
Cossid Miller moth (Zeuzera sp.)
Drepanid moth (Teldenia sp.)
tomato madness
Blister beetle
Geometrid moth (Comostola laesaria)
Huntsman spider (C)
flower (a)
Plumed Cockscomb
Chinese Hibiscus (x2)
Young longhorn beetle
Crambid moth (Autocharis hedyphaes)
Citron Bug (Leptoglossus gonagra)
Bush fire
Dutch scenes
England (Jan.2014)
Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly
Lascar Butterfly
More Moon
Moth (Mm)
Corito's Garden
Early morning
Planthopper (B)
Bombycid Silkmoth
Cat & Sherman
Brown Shrike
Praying mantis nymph
Nolid moth (Westermannia sp.)
Gecko, misc.
Erebus Moth (Erebus sp.)
Erebus Moth (Erebus clavifera)
Shield-backed Bug (Cantao ocellatus)
hawk moth (Ambulyx sp.)
Bug (A)
White-breasted Wood-swallow
Hawk moth (Theretra clotho) (x2)
Crambid moth (Euclasta vitralis)
Huntsman & Tiger
Derbid Planthopper
Noctuid Moth (Chasmina sp.) (x2)
Katydid (bush-cricket) nymph (D) (x2)
Hemithea Emerald Moth (Hemithea tritonaria) (x2)
Philippine Dwarf Tarantula
Tussock moth and eggs
Green Stink Bug (x2)
Rice Swift butterfly
Rice Stem Borer (Scirpophaga incertulas) (x2)
Longhorn beetle (H)
Arctiid moth (Oeonistis altica) (x2)
Nolid Moth (Eligma narcissus)
Oriental Leafworm Moth (Spodoptera litura)
Praying Mantis (Tropidomantis tenera)
Noctuid moth (Platyja umminia)
Crambid moth (Spilomelinae)
Bug (A)
Oriental latrine fly
Moth (J)
Crambid moth (Agrioglypta sp.)
Crambid moth (Palpita annulifer) (x3)
Plume moth (x2)
Tussock moth (Artaxa sp.)
Japanese Giant Weevil
Cotton Stainer bugs (Dysdercus sp.)
Moth (I)
Banana Stem Weevil (?)
Anomala Scarab Beetle (x3)
Robber fly
Wasp Moth (A)
Oriental Leafworm Moth
Erebid moth (Oraesia sp.)
Geometrid moth (Ectropis bhurmitra)
Pied Bush Chat (Saxicola caprata)
longhorn beetle (Gnoma luzonica)
Sphinx or Hawk moth (Ambulyx sp.)
Pale Brown Hawk Moth
Subic Bay
Spider (C)
Birding @ Candaba
Moth (H)
Huntsman Spider (B)
Moth (G)
Common House Snake/ Common Wolf Snake
Cuckoo Wasp
Moth (F)
Green Skimmer Dragonfly
Moth (E)
Arctiid moth (Hemonia rotundata)
Misc. Balcony Shots
Moth (D)
Geometrid moth (Zamarada sp.)
Tiger moth (Spilosoma sp.)
Striped Lynx Spider (Oxyopes salticus - male)
Palm King butterfly
Moth (C)
Plume moth (Pterophorus sp.)
Erebus moth (Erebus hieroglyphica) (x2)
Snouted Tiger Moth (Asota egens confinis)
Lappet Moth (Gastropacha pardale)
Fruit Piercing Moth
Lymantriid Moth or Tussock Moth (Carriola ecnomoda) (x5)
Noctuid moth (Bastilla arcuata)
Yellow Tussock Moth (Euproctis lutea)
Katydid (Bush-cricket) nymph (C)
Caterpillar (A)
Wasp mimicking tiger moth
Longhorn Beetle (Celosterna pulchelator) (x2)
Moth Madness Mix-up
conehead katydid
Potter Wasp
Striped Bronzeback / Bronze Tree Snake
Keelback snake (Rhabdophis spilogaster)
Art with heart
Dutch Sky
Geometrid moth (Lophophelma sp.)
Huntsman Spider (A)
Metalmark Moth
Crambid moth (Pygospila tyres) (x2)
Longhorn Beetle (Glenea beatrix)
Tiger Moth (Amerila astreus) (x2)
Noctuid moth (Anuga sp.) (x4)
Fig Pyralid Moth (Cirrhochrista fumipalpis) (x2)
Manila Sunsets (C)
Crambid moth (Talanga sexpunctalis)
Moth (A) (x2)
Noctuid Moth (Ctenoplusia agnate)
Mango Longhorn Beetle (Batocera rubus)
Geometrid moth (Scopula sp.) (B)
Monkey Moth (B)
Moth (Zz)
Yellow Tussock Moth (B)
Katydid (bush-cricket)
Moth (Yy)
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug nymphs
Moth (Xx)
Cossid moth (Metarbela sp.)
Moth's egg sac
Stinking Passionflower
Manila sunsets (B)
Sherman & Winston
Longhorn Beetle (Neoplocaederus ruficornis)
Moth (Vv)
Moth (Uu)
Moth (Tt)
Philippines Medusa (Acalypha hispida)
Lobster Claw (Heliconia rostrata)
Orchids (A)
Owlet Moth (Peridrome orbicularis) (x2)
Brown Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda venatoria) (x4)
Coco Beach
Ricaniid Planthopper (A) (x3)
Longhorn Beetle © (x2)
Striped Bronzeback / Bronze Tree Snake (Dendrelaphis caudolineatus)
Kalachuchi flowers (Adenium obesum)
Erebid moth (Lymantriinae, Arctonis sp.)
Eggs/Caterpillars of Tiger Moth (Creatonotos transiens)
late afternoon
3 pets
Sherman the Beagle
Manila Moonsets
Brown Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda cervina)
Lithosiinid tigermoth (Lyclene sp.) (x2)
Moth (Rr)
Arctiid moth (Barsine euprepioides)
Common Tit butterfly
Cat close-ups
Tussock Moth (B)
New Year's Eve
Notodontid moth (Stauropus alternus)
Yellow-winged Pareuchaetes moth (x2)
Sugarcane Looper Moth
Katydid (Bush-cricket) nymph (B)
weevil (B)
Asian Gypsy moth (x 3)
Hook tip moth (x3)
Geometrid moth (Chiasmia sp.) (x2)
Crambid moth (Glyphodes bivitralis) (x2)
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (x3)
Manila smog
Geometrid moth (Chiasmia sp.) B
Footman moth
Dark-spotted Tiger Moth/ Light Ermine Moth (x2)
Geometrid moth (Comostola pyrrhogona) (x5)
Moth (Jj)
Notodontid moth (Phalera sp.)
Jumping spider (Plexippus sp.)
Moth (Hh)
More sky
Longhorn Beetle (B)
Snouted Tiger Moth (Euplocia membliaria) (x18)
Moth (Gg) (x2)
True Katydid
Geometrid Moth (A)
Cross-line Wave Moth
Shield Bug Nymph
Planthopper (A)
Cricket (A)
The Garden Wedding
Crotalaria Pod Borer Moth
Common Tree Frog (x13)
Moth (Ee)
Giant African Land Snail
Click Beetle
Grasshopper (C)
Moth (Dd)
Crape Jasmine (Tabernaemontana divaricata)
White orchid
Touch-Me-Not, Sensitive Plant, Adormideran (Mimosa Pudica)
Common Five Ring butterfly
Tussock Moth (A)
Geometrid moth (Pelagodes sp.) (x2)
Moth (Cc)
Noctuid moth (Hulodes caranea)
Notodontid moth (A)
Erebid moth (Ericeia sp.)
Geometrid moth (Scopula opicata)
Geometrid moth (Comibaena sp.)
Notodontid moth (Clostera sp.)
Noctuid moth (A)
Bug (A)
Geometrid moth (Hyperythra sp.) (x2)
Longhorn Beetle (Apriona sp.) (x3)
Siamese rhinoceros beetle (Xylotrupes gideon) (male) (x8)
Manila sunsets (A)
Manila traffic
Siamese rhinoceros beetle (Xylotrupes gideon) (female) (x3)
Netty Ladybird Beetle
English Fauna
English Flora
English scenes
Blue Pumbago
Jelly fungus
Orange Jasmine
Brown Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda venatoria) (x2)
Hawk Moth (Marumba dyras) (x4)
Erebid moth (Mocis undata) (x3)
Grasshopper (B) (x2)
Crambid moth (Nymphicula sp.)
weevil (A)
Tokay Gecko (x25)
Geometrid moth (Agathia sp.) (x5)
Moth (M)
Giant Atlas Moth
Levant Hawk Moth
Moth (O)
Tiger Moth (Creatonotos gangis) (x2)
Erebid moth; Lymantriinae, Nygmiini
Yam Hawk Moth (x4)
Cocalus Fruit Piercing Moth (female)
Erebid moth (Polypogon sp.)
Flatid Planthopper
katydid (A)
White Lopper Moth (x9)
Geometrid moth (Spaniocentra apatella) (x3)
Erebid moth (Rusicada sp.)
Giant Click Beetle (x2)
Noctuid moth (Mythimna sp.) (x5)
Tiger Moth (Spilarctia niceta)
Erebus Moth (Erebus ephesperis)
Grasshopper (A)
Philippine Dwarf Tarantula
Lesser Rice-Leafroller Moth
Geometrid moth (Scopula sp.) (A)
Snout Moth (Parotis marginata) (x7)
Saturniid moth (Antheraea sp.)
Common Housefly Catcher jumping spider (x2)
Moore's Ace Butterfly
Rice Leaf Roller moth
Ground Skimmer Dragonfly or Blue Percher
Erebid moth (Olene sp.)
Limacodid moth (Thosea sp.) (x2)
Green Hawk Moth
Dark Brand Bush Brown Butterfly
Hawk Moth (Polyptychus trilineatus)
Pyralid moth, Phycitinae, Peoriini
Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth
Assassin Bug
Tiger Moth (Creatonotos wilemani) (x6)
Limacodid moth (Slug Moth)
Looper moth (Biston suppressaria)(x3)
Tussock Moth (A) (x3)
Erebid moth (Blasticorhinus sp. ?)
Plume Moth
Snouted Tiger Moth (Asota heliconia) (x2)
Geometrid moth (Hyposidra talaca)
Hawk Moth (Acosmeryx anceus) (x4)
Geometrid Moth (Biston sp.)
Monkey Moth (Eupterote sp.)(B) (x3)
Owlet Moth
Geometrid Moth (Comostola sp.)
Monkey Moth (x9)
Snail (A)
Silver-striped Hawk Moth (x4)
Nolid Moth (Blenina sp.)
Lymantrid moth (Numenes siletti)
Yellow Tussock Moth (A)
White Antenna Wasp Moth (x2)
Noctuid moth (Plusiopalpa adrasta)
Moth (F)
Erebid moth (Rhesala sp.)
Notodontid moth (Phalera sp.) (x2)
Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Pyraloid moth, Crambidae
Erebid moth (Eudocima homaena)
Gray Hawk Moth (x 8)
Ichneumon Wasp
Great Green Bush-Cricket
Household Case Bearer Caterpillar
Red Cotton Bug
House Geckos (x7)
Red Costate Tiger Moth (x9)
Praying Mantis (x 24)
Tropical Swallowtail Moths (x3)
Mango Hawk Moth (Amplypterus panopus) (x3)
Cane Toad (x4)
Mattiphus Shield Bug
Hawk Moth (Hippotion sp.)
Katydid (bush-cricket) nymph (A)
Erebus moth (Erebus hieroglyphica)