marc.stokes: The City
RZ68: Seeking the Red-Orange Pyramid
SEGA of America: SEGA + Cherry Blossoms in Japantown
fourstacks15: Livestrong Mural Hollywood
judyastone: graffiti
djc75: Sookie 9574
ThisIsRobThomas: Pitbulls are so dangerous!!!!
Seibert Photo: Griffith Observatory
Girl Roni: Our Lady of Guadalupe
judyastone: sculpture garden canberra
BlaqqCat Tattoos: Wrist Tattoos
BlaqqCat Tattoos: Wrist Tattoos
theartdream: Abstract vector design
puliarf: Lance Armstrong -2009 Tour of California
*El Jeffe: Lance
Madness Rivera: My Anniversary Tattoo - Til the Wheels Fall Off
rinserepeat: Panorama, Pt. 2
natalia phibes: bandit's view