annieminna: Lhasa > Kathmandu
annieminna: Lhasa > Kathmandu
annieminna: Lhasa > Kathmandu
annieminna: Tibetan man watches the debates
annieminna: Monks bowing as they enter the "Debating Courtyard"
annieminna: Waiting for the debates
annieminna: Sera Monastery
annieminna: A lively debate
annieminna: high five!
annieminna: Getting into the debate
annieminna: Even monks need comfortable footwear
annieminna: Tibetan Monk
annieminna: Buddhist Prayer Beads
annieminna: Getting into the spirit of the debate
annieminna: a monk and his prayer beads
annieminna: The Debates get lively
annieminna: Even monks need comfortable footwear
annieminna: Questioner and Defender
annieminna: Prayer Beads
annieminna: Around the Sera Monastery
annieminna: White walls in the Sera Monastery
annieminna: Downtown Lhasa
annieminna: The Potala Palace, Lhasa
annieminna: Potala: The Original Pixel Art
annieminna: Potala towers above Lhasa
annieminna: Across the street from the Potala: a very Chinese square
annieminna: Tibetan pilgrims circle the Potala
annieminna: Potala Palace
annieminna: Doorways
annieminna: Beautifully painted