Yarnlia: Harem pants
emmr_ {bjd}: proBJDartist
Dollpamm Sculptor Dr.Mes: DOLLPAMM NEW LINE BEBE
Luca625: Kings Of The Waves!
Luca625: China's new eyes
jen9cutie: FS CCC Bulah Yindee
MforMonkey: I am a Mushroom!
Bazangi: Chibi boxes
3574deli: dollpamm vs chibi unoa
3574deli: comparison photo
Dollique: Unoa Family
Bazangi: Minami
wave:): My rainbow Beni
gama__: dorothy
HarajukuDoll by killingsissy: Harajukudoll stand at ldoll 2013
jen9cutie: Kiki and Julia
LittleBigOne: windy day
Lawrence Yung Yao Yang: Who let the Danbos out!
Cosmic_86: Face up
Villi Tunes: Matilda
siruveru: Ali's ranch
cute N roll: guendalina ❤
cute N roll: upload
AMCSviatko: Wallace and Gromit garden set 4
cute N roll: The puppies 1 week & 4 days old
sherbet*: Sos and Ruby discussing dollies!
Candy Smoothie: Azone Picco Neemo Shoes
Radical She Tarot: Managed to get up without disturbing the guy. He has been by my side all day.