librarianne827: frigates
librarianne827: Shaina, grandpa & Luke
librarianne827: mom & Leslie
librarianne827: our awesome waiter, who introduced himself as Antonio Banderas
librarianne827: flambe
librarianne827: Jed & dad
librarianne827: mother-in-law
librarianne827: blue steel
librarianne827: harbor
librarianne827: frigates
librarianne827: pelicans on fishing boats
librarianne827: pelicans on fishing boats
librarianne827: Bird Island
librarianne827: Bird Island
librarianne827: California sea lions
librarianne827: Titanik
librarianne827: from the boat
librarianne827: sleepy hubby
librarianne827: Shaina & grandma dancing
librarianne827: Stone Island, which is actually a peninsula
librarianne827: construction equipment
librarianne827: Pacifico brewery
librarianne827: through the window at this cool gallery
librarianne827: through the window at this cool gallery
librarianne827: Te Amo Lucy's
librarianne827: Plaza Machado neighborhood