librarianne827: Hatchlings!
librarianne827: "The tallest tower in the whole world!"
librarianne827: Pumping in the car = the height of working mom glamour.
librarianne827: Winter Crocs, princess nightgown, hard hat. The girl is ready for anything.
librarianne827: upload
librarianne827: Now that I'm managing a department that includes IT, I can't delegate ALL the crawling around on the floor, but I don't let it stop me from wearing heels.
librarianne827: The hair clips. The parental-neglectfully long bangs.
librarianne827: CUTIES
librarianne827: Sunday chilling.
librarianne827: Watching big sister play.
librarianne827: Watching big sister play.
librarianne827: My ladies.
librarianne827: THIS BABY
librarianne827: Pumpkin patch! (Elsa was mostly just along for the ride.)
librarianne827: So very proud of this little maniac for deciding she was ready to wear underwear all day & having only 3 accidents in a week.
librarianne827: Elsa has an interesting hair situation.
librarianne827: Great-Grandma is pretty great.
librarianne827: Some cousins, or as Freya calls them, "all my friends."
librarianne827: It's hard being a toddler.
librarianne827: Elsa's a sitter! Coincidentally wearing the same outfit Freya was for the milestone day.
librarianne827: 6 months old!
librarianne827: "Look at the guy's butt. He has naked. He needs a diaper on, mama."
librarianne827: Not the face of a baby planning on going back to sleep anytime soon.
librarianne827: Could these people be any cuter?!?
librarianne827: The tree I used to climb when I was a kid
librarianne827: I'm in a rare non-selfie!
librarianne827: She's really rocking the asymmetrical hairstyle lately.
librarianne827: "I'm funny," she tells us.
librarianne827: Ragamuffin. She ruined her outfit & there was no spare. The better to squish her TREMENDOUS THIGHS.
librarianne827: "Hello phones!"