andorkopacz: Jégcseppkő
Stexi: IMG_1531
Stexi: IMG_1766b
giorgiomtb: The game
giorgiomtb: IMG_7517
giorgiomtb: 462349_354304917965797_2010044372_o
giorgiomtb: Wild one
giorgiomtb: IMG_0933
Stexi: In the early spring
Stexi: In the warm sunset
rszederjesi: Zsuizsi is levitating :)
somody_zoltan: Stupa@Alps
Stexi: IMG_9033-001
fbarni91: IMG_1763
fbarni91: IMG_1739
fbarni91: IMG_0041
fbarni91: IMG_0079
fbarni91: IMG_0091
Enikő Judit: Esküvö_054
fbarni91: IMG_4524
fbarni91: IMG_4427
fbarni91: IMG_9166
fbarni91: IMG_9170
SzSzSzilárd: pillantás a múltba / glimpse into the past
Giotto - Zsolti: Fogoly / Captiv
Giotto - Zsolti: DSC_0213