annalea hart: Our Four Stooges // FYI tasty food and excellent service at Extreme Pizza in Breck // Also, it's time for bed
annalea hart: We made it to #Breckenridge! Now we feed the weary travelers. #pizzamakeslifebetter #enzobenzohart #hartsdobreck
annalea hart: the happiest boy #costawiththemostahart #hartsdobreck #greatsanddunes
annalea hart: "This place is the coolest!" #enzobenzohart #hartsdobreck
annalea hart: I predict this may be the best $25 we spend all summer. #pooldays
annalea hart: I love my backyard explorer's imagination. #enzobenzohart
annalea hart: blueberries for breakfast
annalea hart: Seven years of Foundations. Three years of Essentials. This kid is off to Challenge A next fall!! #classicalconversations #homeschool #lucamonhart #babiesdontkeep 😭🎉😊
annalea hart: Giavanna Hart Lady Lisa, 2016 Pencil and charcoal on paper 9 x 8.5 inches
annalea hart: It's really really hard to take a photo of the 12 of us that isn't a little ridiculous. #hartsheadwest2016
annalea hart: #cityofroses #Portland #hartsheadwest2016
annalea hart: Stop and smell the roses. #giabeehart #cityofroses #Portland
annalea hart: Grandma + Christian #hartsheadwest2016
annalea hart: Mom + Cam
annalea hart: 🌹#hartsheadwest2016 #cityofroses
annalea hart: I spy a Grandma Lee.
annalea hart: The Jimmo sibs #hartsheadwest2016
annalea hart: "For you a rose in #Portland grows." #cityofroses #costawiththemostahart #hartsheadwest2016
annalea hart: (back to the #hartsheadwest2016 latergramming) Look who we found in #Portland!!! Seeing family after a year apart does the Harts good.
annalea hart: I've declared this the summer of homemade ice cream. First attempt: Lime Ginger inspired by @friteandscoop in Astoria, OR. I subbed in limes for the lemon curd ice cream recipe from #mypaleopatisserie as the base (this is coconut milk based so #dairyfree)
annalea hart: #newmexico #sandiamountains
annalea hart: My eyes have devoured such varied natural wonder this past month. Back to the high desert and I am finding more in our own backyard. Thankful to call this place home. #sandiamountains #newmexico
annalea hart: Have you ever heard a band of coyotes howling? 😳 #kindacreepy #sandiamountains #newmexico #costawiththemostahart
annalea hart: High desert beauty #newmexico #sandiamountains
annalea hart: Now that we've reviewed the cougar smart rules, let's take a Saturday evening hike. #newmexico #sandiamountains #justaneighborhoodstroll
annalea hart: And the view matched the meal. We are very thankful for folks who take time to leave detailed Yelp reviews so gems like this place are visited. All around an unexpectedly stellar stop. #newportoregon #thecoffeehousenewport #latergramsfordays #hartsheadwes
annalea hart: And that was killer chai latte. #takemeback #thecoffeehousenewport #camphair #hartsheadwest2016 #latergramsfordays
annalea hart: A late breakfast stop in #newportoregon for one of the best meals we enjoyed on the entire trip. I'd like to have that omelette and gluten free biscuit again right about now. Thanks, #thecoffeehousenewport, for filling our bellies so well!
annalea hart: Our time at the coast had to come to an end. But that means #allthefamily! In Portland! #latergramsfordays #hartsheadwest2016
annalea hart: So if we can never afford a beachside home, can I talk myself into camping forever? Hmmm.... Waking up to this was as wonderful as you would expect. #latergramsfordays #hartsheadwest2016