powerpig: Let's Be Friends
stevenarens: file cabinets
Jamie Brokus: Beachin' It
Trey Ratcliff: On Frozen Pond
Trey Ratcliff: A Church in the Snow
drivebysh00ter: IMG_4949
Lou O' Bedlam: Zoetica Has it Rough
Lou O' Bedlam: Steph, Grrrrrr Attempt #8372
velco: Molika
doublecappuccino: zoom transmogrify
LastBestPlace: Saylesville Mill
Brooke Pennington: If I Stay - New York Times Bestseller by Gayle Forman
Jamie Brokus: Snow Ball Fight
tugglelump: Misty Day
drivebysh00ter: dolla dolla bill y'all
Michael.P.Riis: Grenaa Denmark. Beach panorama.
Claire_Sambrook: Chilling
Claire_Sambrook: ACross Sky
Brian The Euphonium: Hornberg Fake Tilt-Shift
Claire_Sambrook: Adventures with my FishEye Lomo
Opal Gamble: Inquisitive Duo
RvO: Heilig Bloed-processie
Marleymax: Goose
GHD PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGN: Washington National Cathedral
LynchburgVirginia ★: mallards over Blackwater Creek
Lost America: Western Pacific
Michael Azucena: Michelangelo's "La Pieta"
paolo foto35: S.Pietro
Michael Azucena: Statue of St. Peter