Ankh Eye: Painted Hills
Ankh Eye: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Ankh Eye: Painted Hills
Ankh Eye: Painted Hills
Ankh Eye: Painted Hills
Ankh Eye: Painted Hills
Ankh Eye: Painted Hills
Ankh Eye: Painted Hills
Ankh Eye: Too cold to bounce
Ankh Eye: footprints on white sand
Ankh Eye: sun, snow and goal
Ankh Eye: Enroute to the goal
Ankh Eye: Seattle Arboretum fall colors
Ankh Eye: Japanese garden
Ankh Eye: Japanese garden
Ankh Eye: Japanese garden
Ankh Eye: Japanese garden
Ankh Eye: Japanese garden
Ankh Eye: Fall colors
Ankh Eye: Fall colors
Ankh Eye: Fall colors
Ankh Eye: Fall
Ankh Eye: Fall
Ankh Eye: Fall
Ankh Eye: Fall and sunshine
Ankh Eye: Early morning dew drops
Ankh Eye: Early morning fall colors
Ankh Eye: Fall colors
Ankh Eye: Colors on Hwy 2 towards Leavenworth
Ankh Eye: Rainier Hydrant fall