anjuluh: CHOO CHOO!
anjuluh: I got a better game. It's calling whipping axes.
anjuluh: So you see Matt smiling...
anjuluh: Mustachios.
anjuluh: A triumphant entrance.
anjuluh: Just chillin with Boss.
anjuluh: Buddies for life.
anjuluh: When you say best friends, means friends forever.
anjuluh: Seriously...these two.
anjuluh: Solidarity.
anjuluh: BAWK!
anjuluh: The Matt face.
anjuluh: Must be ralated to Kaz
anjuluh: Showing off.
anjuluh: On the hunt, just to stretch his legs.
anjuluh: This still super grosses me out.
anjuluh: Moments before Matt screamed like a little girl.
anjuluh: Might frame this one, too.
anjuluh: Crazy eyes.
anjuluh: Never safe from a dusting.
anjuluh: Got his ass.
anjuluh: Riding a hyena.
anjuluh: So many statues to ride.
anjuluh: Always have to double check.