靴子: DSCF6886
Vincenzo Oliva _S7evin: Cipressini - San Quirico d'Orcia
ducatidave60: Abandoned farm
richard thwaites: 9 November 2017
Paisley patches: Bury my heart by the sea
Paisley patches: Frail and worn
Paisley patches: Colourful adjectives
Photography by Sharon Farrell: "For Sylvia Plath"
Y_Amir: Sky
jamiul_adnan: "Alone"
Alex_Saurel: Man sleeping in hammock, Battambang, Cambodia
Bulderiet: Ensjölokarna
GOR44Photographic@Gmail.com: Morning Glow - Loch Eck March 2017
sinetempore: Di spalle - He had his back to me.
sinetempore: In un vecchio vagone - In an old railcar.
udithawix: Maalu Maalu
oskaybatur: End of Summer...
cristina.g216: Bouquet for two... ♥️
Erwin Vindl: she ...
Y_Amir: Mosaic
Sergio Heads: The heaviest rain