Waving lights in the dark: If Michelangelo was a light painter...
Kyle Kruchok: On to New Landscapes
nikosaliagas: #Paris Dans les yeux de @MadeleineLeaper #thevoice
nikosaliagas: #Paris L'acteur #BradleyCooper devant mon objectif #AmericanBluff interview @europe1 #lesincontournables
nikosaliagas: #Athens today who is the master ? the light or the shadow ? @zzannis "faites lui croire qu'il est son propre maître et vous ferez de lui votre esclave" Nuno Oliveira
Kayleigh.: Caitlin 39/52
►CubaGallery: black and white
AMM blog: Pia Ulin
AMM blog: blueberry banana muffins
AMM blog: blueberry banana muffins
AMM blog: tors
AMM blog: Fritz
AMM blog: outside
AMM blog: leftover
~ CarLee Photography ~: Morraine Lake
angexop: Finish him!!!
Brandon HM Oh: talking
dojoklo: Canon 6D Viewfinder with autofocus AF points
Kayleigh.: Breeze
~ CarLee Photography ~: If You Have to Stand Alone...Stand Tall and Stand Proud