- Steve Aldridge photography: Sheringham 1940s weekend 2018
mandokid1: Magnolia Green Jumper - Lyssomanes viridis
Thomas Shahan: Robber Fly (Holcocephala fusca) Eating a Spider
Thomas Shahan: Adult Female Phidippus audax Jumping Spider (With Video)
omtelsimon: IMG_7393 jumping spider (Orsima ichneumon), HBBBT!
Thomas Shahan: Female Jumping Spider - Phidippus regius - Florida
Aurora Santiago Photography: Anna's Hummingbird
gseloff: All Wet
EastlandCAH: Doggles
Pat Boyle Portraits: Miranda0692
♥ ~M: K.
markhortonphotography: European Hornet (vespa crabro)
ericspod: Jumping Spider Eating a Crane Fly
cskong9932: DSC_0787
cdnh: Calugarita / Praying mantis
Alwin Vdw: Adinda
nightskyguy_photography: Supermoon June 2013
nightskyguy_photography: Reflection in the gravel pit
thienbs: Bay lên EX
nightskyguy_photography: Fields of morning fog
zemotion: Behind the Mask
zemotion: of the Night: A Dream of You