the workroom: Karyn Valino
Der Ohlsen: 5 • • • 16
alina.strain88: Washi dress pattern by Rae Hoekstra of Made By Rae in Amy Butler Cameo. I added a peter pan collar from her washi expansion pack, and adjusted the front bodice to add a button placket, making it nursing-friendly!
alina.strain88: #washidress in Robert Kaufman linen blend. I did cap sleeves, peter pan collar, and edited the front bodice to accommodate an invisible zipper (hidden behind a "pleat") making it nursing-friendly!
very lame: Festivus 2007
very lame: Andie + Pima
make_something: Jerisse's Block
make_something: Carolanne's Block
make_something: Erin P's Block
make_something: Melodie's Block
make_something: Carolina's Block
make_something: Maria's Block
make_something: Debbie's Block
make_something: Nadia's Block
make_something: Alexis' Block
make_something: Celine's Block
the workroom: Dear Stella : Dress Me Playground
make_something: @jacqueline_soak 's amazing Kitty Quilt!
make_something: No adventuring but lots of hanging out right now.
make_something: Jacqueline's Rebel Quilt
make_something: Sun printing with Lumi Inkodye
make_something: Sun printing with Lumi Inkodye
make_something: Benvado Sandals
make_something: Katrina's Rebel Quilt
make_something: Katrina's Rebel Quilt
make_something: Jacqueline's Castle Treasury
make_something: Bernina Club
make_something: Sun printing with Lumi Inkodye
lilfishstudios: thimblescape