U.S. National Archives: Resident of Roxbury, Vermont, Draws Off the Finished Syrup From a Homemade Evaporator ..., 05/1974
U.S. National Archives: An 80-Year-Old Native of East Randolph, Vermont ..., 04/1974
U.S. National Archives: A 60-Year-Old Bachelor Farmer from Beanville, near Randolph, Vermont ..., 07/1974
U.S. National Archives: The Surviving Child of 13 Offspring ..., 06/1974
U.S. National Archives: This Native of Randolph Center, Vermont, Quit a Job as an Auto Mechanic to Return to the Family Farm ..., 05/1974
U.S. National Archives: Uncharacteristically Somber, This 76-Year-Old Native of East Randolph, Vermont, Finishes His Morning's Third Cup of Coffee ..., 06/1974
U.S. National Archives: An Old-Fashioned Hay Rake, Once Pulled by Powerful Horse Teams ..., 03/1974
sighnensis: Goldilox
RaidersLight: Noche con niebla
phitar: banana controversy
Allie DeLicious: Balmer, MD 2007 020
Serena McClain: cupcake love
axb500: PICT0132
iceman9294: ORD redux
axb500: PICT0272
axb500: PICT0219
axb500: itouch
axb500: PICT0142
axb500: PICT0046
axb500: DSC00860
stellaloella: Big Sara, tiny cards.
stellaloella: fine dining
Serena McClain: Monument
flavita.valsani: Palmeiras 3, Corinthias 0
florian.b: + The Sunset +
cuellar: The survivor
axb500: PICT0247