Angeliska: We finally found poor Rusty Jack Knife hiding out in the shed last night, very scared and pretty jacked up by the dog attack. Luckily, he made it out alive, with numerous lacerations on his head and face, lots of missing fur and ripped out claws, but no p
Angeliska: I can't believe it's been one week since we had to say goodbye to our beloved blind old man dog Thelonious. There's a palpable lacunae, an empty place, a border collie-shaped hole in our everyday reality where he used to reside. I like to think that his s
Angeliska: Shrimp Scampi has found her happy place.
Angeliska: Thelonious and Grrizelda.
Angeliska: Shrimp Scampi has been really sweet about consoling Grrizelda and keeping her company...
Angeliska: Then he put the cat in the colander...
Angeliska: Good morning, Thelonious. Where are you now? I wake up every morning and look at the empty place where your dog bed was. I keep thinking I hear your old man shufflefoots and forgetting you're gone...
Angeliska: Triple cuddle. Shrimp Scampi, Thelonious, and Rusty Jack Knife sammich.
Angeliska: Stayin' warm.
Angeliska: Sunbathers.
Angeliska: Thelonious and Rusty Jack Knife. Friends share. Sometimes Jack would sprawl out on T-Lo's bed, and I'd have to kick him off so the old man wouldn't have to sleep on the hard floor. But sometimes I'd catch them cuddling. So cute.
Angeliska: Dear old friends. Oh, and - PSA: I'm just going to keep posting pictures of Thelonious for awhile, because it makes me feel better. If you don't like dogs, or pictures of dogs, or just don't understand mourning rituals, we should probably not be friends a
Angeliska: Cutest. Most Dapper.
Angeliska: Oh, I am missing my sweet old man puppy so much. I am incredibly grateful for all the years we had together - but I just wish I could pet his soft fur and hear his happy snufflechuffle sneezy dog laughter one more time.
Angeliska: This is one of my favorite images of Thelonious - so joyous in the sea-salt air. He loved the beach so much - I think he instinctively knew that he wouldn't bump into anything there. In wide open space like that I could get him to run a little with me - h
Angeliska: I woke this morning from the bad dream of losing him to this photo, which I'd never seen before. It was taken just a couple weeks ago, on our last walk to the lake. It is the last photo of us together. He was so happy to be outside on such a pretty day, b
Angeliska: Rest in peace, Sweet Thelonious. Born circa February 25th, 1999 - died on the full moon, May 14, 2014 at nearly 16 years of age. A full blooded Border Collie adopted as a tiny puppy from a WalMart parking lot, he was the smartest, bravest, sweetest, most
Angeliska: Our darling Thelonious died peacefully at home in the kitchen tonight, surrounded by love. His dear friends Jack and Grrizelda kept vigil by his body to say goodbye and pay their respects to their brother, the alpha elder of their pack.
Angeliska: Please send your good wishes for our beloved companion Thelonious. His health failed rapidly today, and we are now preparing him for his journey to the land across the river, where it is always summer, and every meal is brisket. There's a big beautiful fu
Angeliska: Zen and the art of meowtorcycle maintenance.
Angeliska: Rusty Jack Knife got a new toy.
Angeliska: This thing is sitting on my chest. It is scary and it is crushing me. Also: halitosis.
Angeliska: Sunbathers.
Angeliska: Sadly had to leave these jerks behind to warm my bed while I brave the dark night to work! Elfin toiling in the antique mines until the break of dawn!
Angeliska: This is actually a forced cuddle situation. Grrizelda is not into Rusty Jack Knife in that way, and yet still - he persists. Note the bared teeth. Generally a sign that your cuddles are unwanted.
Angeliska: Shrimp Scampi is flexible, if not graceful.
Angeliska: Shrimp Scampi on the roof, golden sycamore sunset.
Angeliska: It's horridly cold out again & my belly is suddenly extremely disgruntled, but hey - it's my long-awaited Friday & I have these cute weirdos in the bed with me, so who's complaining? Okay, yeah - I am, but just a little. Time for peppermint tea, furry cud
Angeliska: Cat-pear