O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: M E M O R I E S
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: .: BuTTeRFLieS :.
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: .: aLoNe iN The DaRk :.
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: .. AnTHoR FLoWeR sHoT >_< ..
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: .. EarTh LaUGhS iN FLoWeRs ...
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: .S.I.L.E.N.C.E.
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: "AniMaLs ArE SucH AgReeAbLe FriEnDs... ThEy AsK No QuEsTioNs, TheY PaSs No CriTiCiSmS"
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: LiFe HaNdS uS MaNy DiFFeRenT ThiNgS.. GooD AnD BaD.. OnE oF ThE GrEaTesT GifTs We ReCeiVe iS ThE LoVe oF ThE BesT FriEnD..
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: الله يرحمك والدي الغالي و يغفر لك و يغمد روحك الجنة يارب
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: Lets do it .. !
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: ::::::: GoLDeN FisH :::::::
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: Keep HoPe aLiVe !
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: FLoWeRs AGaiN (^ _ ^)
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: LoVe iS The OnLy FLoWeR ThaT GroEs AnD BLoSsOmS WiThOuT The AiD Of The SeAsoNs...
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: LoOk DeeP inTo NaTuRe, AnD TheN YoU WiLL UnDeRsTanD EvErYThinG BeTTeR...
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: BLinG BLinG (^ _ ^)
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: NaTuRe ALwaYs WeaRs The CoLoRs Of The SpiRiT...
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: A PeRsOn'S LiFe iS DyeD WiTh The CoLoR Of HiS iMaGiNaTioN...
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: !i!i!i!i!i!...KaSh5a...!i!i!i!i!i!
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: iF YoU ChanGe The WaY YoU LoOk AT ThinGs, The ThinGs YoU LoOk AT ChanGe
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: FrienDShiP iS a SiNgLe SouL DweLLinG iN TwO BoDieS
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: LoVe CoMeS UnSeeN ... We OnLy See iT Go ( >_< )
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: ==========(FLoWeR)===========
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: >^>^>^>^SunSet<^<^<^<
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: CaRaMeL FraPPuCCiNo (^ _ ^)
O.o°•AnGeL•°o.O: =*=*=*=*=>>FaNTasY<<=*=*=*=*=