Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: yellow chrysanthenium
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: the center of the rose
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: little red flowers
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: the yellow sun
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: purple tulips
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: a sea of roses
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: sweet sunshine
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: purple and white orchid
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: looks like butterflyes
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: as the rose blooms.....
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: amazing roses
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: chrysanthenium ( sry if i spelled it wrong :P)
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: vibrant color
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: a rose and the dew
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: purple petals
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: beyond the rose