Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: My Halloween costume. I was red-riding hood.
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: Fading away
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: Civic Opera in Chicago
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: Adrian :)..
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: little drops of sunshine ( My 1 year FLICKR anniversary)
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: Berry bokeh
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: I Am Here, Still Waiting For You
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: Great Grandmother
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: waiting for a new beggining.. :)
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: "Friendship is like a snowflake, each is individual and unique, mesmerizing and breathtaking. Nevertheless, when bonded together it can transform the atmosphere of your life"
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: “Dreams are like the paints of a great artist. Your dreams are your paints, the world is your canvas. Believing, is the brush that converts your dreams into a masterpiece of reality.”
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: Red-Winged dragonfly
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: old portrait
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: Happy Birthday!!
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: unrestrained freedom
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: untitled...
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: Sunshine :D
Visha~~AWAY..VERY BUSY: The rhythm of light and shadows