Steve Taylor (Photography): In Preparation For My Valentine
Steve Taylor (Photography): The Painted Lady
rgugliotta7: Christmas
louise garin: Christmas atmosphere
louise garin: Chritsmas's pudding
fabijsantoss: Moon - 25/12/12 11:56 pm
Eduardo Estéllez: Orilla pedregosa
R.Laffontas: Lac de Sainte-Croix
jcqsmer: Narooma - NSW Australia
.Luigi Mirto/ArchiMlFotoWord FIAF/AFI-UIF: Il piccolo Roberto e Nuvola - The little Roberto and Nuvola
Robbie Phelan: Cheetah Cubs
FXTC: Canonet Prepare
renfie: Cotton sea
sognatore58: Cistus incanus - Cisto villoso, Monti Aurunci, Pico, Lazio, Italia.
Angel@ T@ylor: Poppy is going to get you
Beetle Jugz: The Slant
RiDyr: On Sandy Beaches
susana M alcari: Atardecer nublado
GFerreiraJr ®: 5ª Flower... mais que especial...
Sándalo Armas: Darsena_06
louise garin: New camera :)