A Nerd At Large: Guess what I did today! #gotg
A Nerd At Large: Met a friend for breakfast and got talking for so long that it was soon lunchtime, so we ordered fancypants milkshakes. Mine was sour cherry and chocolate and it was goooooooooooooood!
A Nerd At Large: You guys! This happened. I was at Chris Hadfield's Generator show when Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman made a surprise appearance in addition to an already amazing lineup. Amanda performed some anthemic ukulele songs then they had a chat with rockstar astro
A Nerd At Large: I have decided that whatnots ought to make a comeback
A Nerd At Large: Dude looks a bit perturbed to have ended up a specimen at @romtoronto
A Nerd At Large: Beautiful autumn scenery. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
A Nerd At Large: Happy Lovebots on parade
A Nerd At Large: Good answer
A Nerd At Large: I call this one Self-Portrait with Palm Trees and Cheap Sunglasses
A Nerd At Large: Another glorious quilt from Quilts at the Creek
A Nerd At Large: Constantly captivated by shiny shoes. I am drawn to these even though I kind of loathe them.
A Nerd At Large: Terrific seeing so many gorgeous quilts out in the sunshine at The Quilts at the Creek show at @blackcreekpioneervillage
A Nerd At Large: I can't tell if this ape is meant to resemble a lion, Karl Marx, Ernest Hemingway, or something else entirely. What does it remind you of?
A Nerd At Large: Checking out paintings of urban scenes at the #HarrisAGO exhibit at @agotoronto
A Nerd At Large: This guy says hello. He was created by Tick Tock Tom from reclaimed parts and displayed at the Toronto Maker Festival.
A Nerd At Large: Members of the band Darlene Shrugg performing at @agotoronto #ago1st event. #latergram
A Nerd At Large: Playing with light at the Toronto Maker Festival.
A Nerd At Large: Walker Court at @agotoronto looks a little spooky during #HarrisAGO First Thursday soirée
A Nerd At Large: Feeling the ❤️ at Canadian Forces Day and Air Show at Camp Borden. Celebrating 100 years of military training at CFB Borden, which was founded to train soldiers for the First World War and is Canada's largest military training centre. Over 130,000 p
A Nerd At Large: Sartorial alligator #streetart (or is it a croc?)
A Nerd At Large: This #Toronto #streetart stopped me in my tracks.
A Nerd At Large: Spotted R2-D2 in the window of the Minotaur gift shop in Kingston.
A Nerd At Large: Veterans watch the Commissioning Parade
A Nerd At Large: Out with my bro, watching some sportsing at the Rogers Centre
A Nerd At Large: At #sciencerendezvous attempting to break the world record for longest DNA model.
A Nerd At Large: Chancing upon colourful yarnbombing always makes me smile.
A Nerd At Large: Spring thaw. Maybe. Mother Nature seems undecided.
A Nerd At Large: Make Good >> Excellent advice to live by in this vibrant #Toronto #streetart #mural