Anemone Letterpress: Found these fun NSS mailers from years' past! #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: The second to last run for #nss2014 was today – then one more split fountain run to go! #letterpress #nss
Anemone Letterpress: Mailer day! Booth 2055 | National Stationery Show. Retailers: let us know if you'd like a mailer & promo card and we'll pop one in the mail! #nss2014
Anemone Letterpress: Fun work-and-turn job set-up! #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: These feathers might be my new favorite thing! #letterpress #overprint #feather #nsssneakpeek
Anemone Letterpress: Mwah! #sneakpeek #nss
Anemone Letterpress: Paper delivery day Hope it's enough to get everything printed for NSS! #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: Lotsa moms, dads, grads, et al. heading out to Paper Presentation tomorrow! #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: Quick run of some cumpleaños toucans today! #letterpress #birthday
Anemone Letterpress: Salty Parisian sky on press today. #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: We're going to be listing a couple cutters for sale on Briar Press tonight or tomorrow! Bored dog is NOT included. Email if interested : #challenge265
Anemone Letterpress: And registered! #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: It's here! Fingers crossed that our phase converter plan works out.
Anemone Letterpress: Printer friends: We're going to be selling our Challenge 193 Hydraulic cutter (extra knife included) along with its pal, our Challenge 265 lever cutter. If you or anyone you know is in the market for one, email the mister at
Anemone Letterpress: FINALLY finished editing photos so with any luck, they'll make it to the website today. #whew
Anemone Letterpress: Went to see a man about a horse, er, cutter. #Challenge305 #cometomama
Anemone Letterpress: The last of the new stuff for now! Not really a fan of Buck Owens, tho' I always liked the title of the song. #tigerbythetail #letterpress #tiger #grad
Anemone Letterpress: SO much fun to print the new stuff! #letterpress #catburglars #newfave
Anemone Letterpress: Second time around. Ended up scrapping the first type treatment I had for this design back in Oct. Finally getting a chance to print it up now and like it 1000% better. #minutae #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: Tiger 'tocks on press today. #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: New favorite!! Now time to enjoy a Bloody Mary or two as a reward! #hotoffthepress #letterpress #nerd #grad
Anemone Letterpress: FINALLY a new thing – tho' it may be awhile before the second color gets printed. #colorpriorities #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: Mmm... Milky plate water. #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: QC-ing stacks of our split fountain Mother's Day cards today. #worksforbirthdaystoo #justaskmymom
Anemone Letterpress: Hope the printing gods are with me today... #letterpress #splitfountain
Anemone Letterpress: Maintenance/cleaning day and these grippers are like the everlasting gobstopper of oil and filth. Anyone have any tips on getting them cleaned and oiled w/o all the gross oil splatter? #letterpress #heidelbergwindmill #grippers
Anemone Letterpress: Join us this weekend for tons of holiday fun & shopping at Unique LA! #letterpress #cards #calendars @uniqueusa
Anemone Letterpress: Father's Day already?! #new #letterpress #swissarmyknife #dads
Anemone Letterpress: 2014 calendars are (finally!) available on our website. Woooohooooo! Link in profile, btw :-) #letterpress
Anemone Letterpress: Just noticed the loveliest oil-based sheen coming off of these reprints. #letterpress #neon #ink