astrophotography_andy: M51 - Still collecting data though
astrophotography_andy: M51 Project - Phase 1 (1 hour of RGB)
astrophotography_andy: M13 - The Great Hercules Globular Cluster
astrophotography_andy: NGC_4559_RGB
astrophotography_andy: NGC_4559_Annotated
astrophotography_andy: Galaxy NGC 2863
astrophotography_andy: PacMan_626mm_SHO_reprocessed
astrophotography_andy: IC 410, Tadpoles
astrophotography_andy: November 7th 2022 Lunar Eclipse
astrophotography_andy: 2022_Eclipse_12_phases
astrophotography_andy: NGC 891 - Luminance
astrophotography_andy: NGC 891 - LRGB
astrophotography_andy: Bubble region
astrophotography_andy: Monkey Head Nebula
astrophotography_andy: M52 and Bubble Nebula
astrophotography_andy: Soul Test with the L-Ultimate filter
astrophotography_andy: Fish Head Nebula IC1795
astrophotography_andy: Fish_Head_IC_1795_Annotated
astrophotography_andy: Ghosts of Cassiopeia in SHO w/ RGB Stars
astrophotography_andy: Ghosts of Cassiopeia in LRGB
astrophotography_andy: Heart Nebula 2 Panels
astrophotography_andy: Heart_2Panel_MergeMosaic_Annotated
astrophotography_andy: Helix Nebula
astrophotography_andy: M33 - The Triangulum Galaxy
astrophotography_andy: Pleiades from the Great Lake Star Gaze
astrophotography_andy: The Iris Nebula
astrophotography_andy: Dark Shark Nebula
astrophotography_andy: The Amazing Double Cluster in Cassiopeia