Simon Robinsons: Alcatraz, San Francisco
G.Griffis: Treloar Shield 2023 (Round 3) Photo Stack (1)
Karsten Gieselmann: Books, books, books!
Devon Pete: Reed warbler
Alan-Taylor: Yorkshire Aurora
Martin Tidbury: Aurora Over Urban Leeds
Bill Richmond: Little Owl
LezFoto: P4071060
ChrissieWhiffen: Treecreeper
Rourkeor: Dunnock
c.richard: Prior Park Classic view of Bath
valfoto91: Dans le jardin
East Anglia Photos: Feeding the family
Norbert Wegner: orange country
Martin Tidbury: Fort George
Bob Hurrell Wildlife: Juvenile Wren.
joegraham63: DSC_7368
Kevin B Agar: Reed Warbler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Jet Captain: Ripon wildlife, N Yorkshire, UK.
turquoiseink: White Admiral 2
nrssmith: 12633 Foxes In The Garden
bankvole5: Reed Warbler
ericy202: Linnet M 20.7.23
Geoff Athey: Cuckoo
rogercollorick: Spotted flycatcher juveniles
Aves Lux: Chiffchaff
jonathancoombes: Barn Owl
dugwin2: Common Sandpiper at Lower Farm Nature Reserve, Berkshire.
Kevin B Agar: Pochard, Aythya ferina