Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: Warren reef at low tide.
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: Aug 3rd on the Sands
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: Think I need a Snickers bar
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: Warren mist 20x10 with border
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: _DSC0807 small with border
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: Folkestone arches with border
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: 25.11.21 after the rain
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: 6.00 am on Folkestone Sands
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: Folkestone Harbour Mouth
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: Folkestone Harbour July 21 G
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: Folkestone Harbour at low tide
Andy Smith Photography Folkestone: Two image vertical stitch of the Warren