andydr: Game On!
andydr: Is This Allowed?
andydr: Don't Fuck With Me, I'm Armed
andydr: Ornament Portrait
andydr: I Like My Hair Like This
andydr: Vote SQUELCH!
andydr: This Turned Out Not So Good
andydr: Fillibustering
andydr: What is the Opposite of Metro?
andydr: Focus Not so Much
andydr: Go Carl!
andydr: Faceplant!
andydr: We're Ingenious Motherfuckers
andydr: Num Num
andydr: Thog Hungry. Thog Eat!
andydr: IMG_3749
andydr: Jewish Carpenter
andydr: Andy1_605
andydr: Go America!
andydr: face picture
andydr: Andy Ratto at Caesaria
andydr: Journal in the Shelter
andydr: Freedom
andydr: Andrew Ratto with Security Guard
andydr: graduation
andydr: diner love.jpg
andydr: jenny, ben, amanda, and andy.jpeg
andydr: hair cut.bmp
andydr: eye piercing.jpg
andydr: dfl andy 1 copy 1.jpg