andydr: Wedding
andydr: outside clinic - abortion is healthcare healthcare is a right
andydr: march - thank god for abortion
andydr: march - stop harrassing patients
andydr: march - right before first arrest
andydr: march - pro lifers don_t wear masks
andydr: march - pro life that_s a lie you don_t care if people die
andydr: march - pro life that_s a lie you don_t care if people die 2
andydr: march - No racist cops no rapist priests
andydr: march - my body, my business bitch
andydr: march - lets not go to the clinic, let_s go to trader joes
andydr: march - let us help you
andydr: march - god loves abortion
andydr: march - go to trader_s joes
andydr: march - Get up get down, New York is a pro choice town(1)
andydr: march - Get up get down, New York is a pro choice town
andydr: march - abortion is healthcare healthcare is a right
andydr: IMG_1374
andydr: chant at church - this church hosts clinic invaders
andydr: chant at church - this church harrasses patients
andydr: chant at church - No racist cops no rapist priests
andydr: antis leaving church
andydr: NYC FAR Videos
andydr: NYC FAR Videos
andydr: NYC FAR Videos
andydr: NYC FAR Videos
andydr: NYC FAR Videos
andydr: NYC FAR Videos
andydr: NYC FAR Videos
andydr: NYC FAR Videos