A.M.G.1: me and mine
A.M.G.1: The Sisters (Panthera leo)
A.M.G.1: On a lazy Sunday afternoon.....in the summertime
A.M.G.1: Mother's care
A.M.G.1: _A6L2553sm
A.M.G.1: Horny! White Rhino (Ceratotherium simum)
A.M.G.1: Big Boy
A.M.G.1: _Q0G0641sm
A.M.G.1: lone ranger
A.M.G.1: Cheetah Triplets
A.M.G.1: water - ball!
A.M.G.1: family snap - cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
A.M.G.1: Bossman (Panthera leo)
A.M.G.1: eye-to-eye (Acinonyx jubatus)
A.M.G.1: Take-that!
A.M.G.1: magic zebra carpet ride for the Red-billed Oxpecker (Buphagus erythrorhynchus)
A.M.G.1: Red Billed Oxpecker
A.M.G.1: snuggling...
A.M.G.1: play misty for me...
A.M.G.1: babes
A.M.G.1: hide and seek....
A.M.G.1: mean mr.mustard
A.M.G.1: a crash of white rhino (CERATOTHERIUM SIMUM)
A.M.G.1: painfull dismount post mating............
A.M.G.1: a good old stretch after a long day at the office (Acinonyx jubatus)
A.M.G.1: hello there!
A.M.G.1: hunting mode
A.M.G.1: Nyala - the lady of the bush (Tragelaphus angasii)
A.M.G.1: magic hour
A.M.G.1: Golden Orb Spider Web