amylewis.lincs: Stonechat
Eddie The Bugman: ~Too Many Choices~
Rob Weychert: 100 Cassettes
dirac3000: Get a Film
Eddie The Bugman: ~Extreme Migrant Hawker~
Bits On Twigs: Wood Mouse AKA Long Tailed Field Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus sylvaticus
Eddie The Bugman: ~The Second Brood~
Derek Cluskey: Wildflower focus stack (Nigella damascena)
Eddie The Bugman: ~Inachis io 2013~
Eddie The Bugman: ~Teneral Sympetrum striolatum (♂)~
Captain Nikon: Misty Soar
Bits On Twigs: Moth Garden Pebble
myu-myu: モンシロチョウ
Eddie The Bugman: ~Libellula depressa(♂) 2013~
barth1003: x404
Bill Bouton: Blue Ridge Spring Salamander, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus danielsi
Iain Lawrie: feelin' blue
Eddie The Bugman: ~Get Off My Land~
Derek Cluskey: Damselfly on a flower
Derek Cluskey: Damsel portrait
TooLoose-LeTrek: Swamp House
Bits On Twigs: Bog Stitchwort Stellaria alsine
Eddie The Bugman: ~Waiting For The Sun~
Eddie The Bugman: ~Pyrrhosoma nymphula~
Eddie The Bugman: ~Dolerus niger noggin~
Derek Cluskey: HDR Beetle 1
Eddie The Bugman: ~Cicindela campestris~