Chickpea981: Sibling and his girlfriend on our little walkway to the beach. We get a full week of this paradise.
fickleknitter: butterfly markers knitifacts
michele cat: happy dog
fickleknitter: ANIMAL CROSSING
fickleknitter: Laura Summer TNNA
fickleknitter: Tnna in one photo
fickleknitter: andria and barbara
blurb: Drama Road
Mike Monteiro: A chance to be kind.
Chickpea981: LOOK AT MAH BELLEH!
fickleknitter: photo.JPG
Chickpea981: honeymoon sand
monitorpop: georgie hearts gus
fickleknitter: Maya's first day of preschool
hizknits: J'aime bien le fromage.
hizknits: Decibelle graduated.
fickleknitter: knit-purl @Punkrawkpurl
fickleknitter: 365_24 I heart tin hats --or-- this is what 2 degrees in physics will buy you
Mike Monteiro: Sunset Unicorn Belly-Button Magic Genie Suck-Suck!!! *+*+*+EXPLORE*+*+*+
fickleknitter: wild hair
Mike Monteiro: Happy Father’s Day, everyone!
Clock Work Orange: All Full of Stars
Clock Work Orange: dogwood_02