ThirdEyeNuke: The Glottkin
stobz1: Chaplains
ThirdEyeNuke: Nagash Supreme Lord of The Undead
abi.*: IMG_9354
ThirdEyeNuke: Nagash Supreme Lord of The Undead
Paoshots: Brighton colours
Paoshots: West Pier - Brighton
Paoshots: Amore gitano
Redscorps: Painting
stobz1: ETL14 WIP6
abi.*: IMG_7379
T Markham: Pre Herecy Luna Wolves Force
abi.*: IMG_4407
T Markham: Ork Gorkanaut
D I C K S D A I L Y: swing for it
T Markham: Necron Doom Scythe
piotrekm1: deathwing_land_raider_3
Andy Stent: IMG_4642
T Markham: Blood Angels Death Company Baal Predators
m1cromondo: Black Templars - Death Claws
ThirdEyeNuke: Dark Angels Darkshroud
resistance827: Warhammer 40k Space Marines
Tomas Persifal Pekar: Deathwing Knight
stobz1: DW HQ
stobz1: PtR Deathwing Group
namelessdemon: Dark angel
Night Haunter: Pre Heresy Night Lords Captain
N0rthm00r: Pre-Heresy Death Guard
resistance827: Warhammer 40k Dark Angels Space Marines