Andrew Condon: IMG_0623
Andrew Condon: Castre vs Ulster
Andrew Condon: DJ Jaume Escola
Andrew Condon: Ms Garrofé
Andrew Condon: Brian / Sermon on the Mount
Andrew Condon: Floating Rodent
Andrew Condon: Entering the mountains
Andrew Condon: Clearing Ivy
Andrew Condon: IMG_3365.jpg
Andrew Condon: Brian Caffrey sits in...
Andrew Condon: Not the prettiest backing singers in the world
Andrew Condon: View thru the thinning crowd...
Andrew Condon: The Return of Pep Gimeno (a l'Slàvia)
Andrew Condon: Two churches in one day.
Andrew Condon: Concert Lídia Pujol "La Cerimònia de la Llum" al Seu Vella de Lleida
Andrew Condon: Mohamed Bout Ayoub
Andrew Condon: Xavi Lozano
Andrew Condon: Mohamed Bout Ayoub
Andrew Condon: Fanallets #1
Andrew Condon: Fanallets #2
Andrew Condon: Fanallets #3
Andrew Condon: Dissabte al Festa Major
Andrew Condon: Dissabte al Festa Major
Andrew Condon: The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Andrew Condon: Xef cremat
Andrew Condon: IMG_0121.jpg
Andrew Condon: These days it takes a lot to surprise a couple of auld wans as they step out to bingo on a Friday night...
Andrew Condon: Fear gorm?
Andrew Condon: The storks are heading south