philip.mallis: Helipad off Liberty Parade, West Heidelberg
Adam Hardy: Jordan Flight Prep
Adam Hardy: Juv Lowland Copperhead
Adam Hardy: There must be Order
bit.chan: The Stoic Face
bit.chan: Ritual
bit.chan: Colonies
bit.chan: Rise
bit.chan: Reconfirmed
laurie.g.w: Walkerville North Prom country
laurie.g.w: Cape Liptrap Lighthouse with passing storm
laurie.g.w: Botanic Gardens Canberra
Stacey Shay: Brittany
Stacey Shay: Sienna
Jono Dashper Wildlife: Chaco Tortoise - Chelonoidis chilensis
Jono Dashper Wildlife: South American Rattlesnake - Crotalus durissus
Jono Dashper Wildlife: Baron's Racer - Philodryas baroni
Jono Dashper Wildlife: Rufous-bellied Thrush - Turdus rufiventris
Daniel_C_C: Margherita-forest pool soon after sunrise
Daniel_C_C: Danielle
shazl: Blue Banded bee
shazl: Baby Galah
mduthet: F-ZBAP Tracker 12
Ismael Jorda: Grand Canyon (2020)