Tim Melling: Pintail
Tim Melling: Short-eared Owl
Tim Melling: Great Grebe
Tim Melling: Tufted Tit-tyrant
Tim Melling: Any Guesses?
Tim Melling: Baird's Sandpiper
Tim Melling: Narrow-billed Woodcreeper
Tim Melling: Chimango Caracara
Tim Melling: Magellanic Woodpecker
Tim Melling: Little Auk
Tim Melling: Snow in the Pennines
Tim Melling: Least Sandpiper
Tim Melling: Pacific Wren
Tim Melling: Orca approaching
Tim Melling: Steller's Jay
Tim Melling: Red Squirrel
Tim Melling: "What's Going On?"
Tim Melling: Grizzly Bear family
Tim Melling: Polar Bear tucking into a rack of ribs
Tim Melling: What's that coming over the hill?
Tim Melling: Polar Bear rolling in the snow
Tim Melling: Arctic Fox
Tim Melling: Paralytic Polar Bear
Tim Melling: Battling Brunnich's
Tim Melling: Nightjar sunbathing
Tim Melling: Nightjar
Tim Melling: The Trials of Life
Tim Melling: Roe Deer
Tim Melling: Cuckoo in flight
Tim Melling: Aurora in Yorkshire