Jordi Sureda: October
Klaus Ryde Pedersen: Aspin-en-Lavedan, Haute Pyrénées
Jem Salmon: Woodland
Thomas de Franzoni: Ad un Passo dal Paradiso
Thomas de Franzoni: Seasons End
Thomas Heide: Winter Woodland
micke.vmix: Curves
DimitrisPitsilkas: The Bridge
* mariozysk *: Winter has set in...
shinichiro*: Urabandai: Rainbow on the waterfall
Gavin Hardcastle - Fototripper: '15 Second Spell' - Abraham Lake
Denis Collette...!!!: My wild river give you the eye...!!!
Tim Noonan: Surreal Eye
SteveStudio.GrandPaparazzi: phonecameraReflections