mrnickon: Yellow-masked bee
Sinkha63: Polistes dominula stylopisé par Xenos vesparum
Sinkha63: Triongulin (Meloe sp.) Triungulin
wildernesscam: Amazing painted trilobite cockroach
Laura_And: É de comer?
tchuanye: Tube Spittlebugs just Moulted, and out of its tube
budak: IMG_1672 Hemisphaerius sp
Nicolas Gompel: North America Aderidae
Henrique Cafundó: Tomisidae, Epicadus heterogaster
Henrique Cafundó: Hemiptera ninfa de Cicadelideo
Henrique Cafundó: Arachnideo
Henrique Cafundó: Hammatostylus sp (Curculionidae, Otiocephalinae)
Henrique Cafundó: Epicadus heterogaster
Marcia Stefani: Dyckia maritima
alexandrelsouza: Opilionids and its EGGS
alexandrelsouza: Male moths use pheromone to find the female
alexandrelsouza: Predator by Nature
alexandrelsouza: Lovers on the Leaf
alexandrelsouza: REBIRTH is the Key!
José Bernardo: Ripiphoridae
timz501: Meloid Beetle - Stenoria analis - Triungulin larvae
conradgillett: Cetoniidae
Sidclay Dias: Beatle (Coprophanaeus sp.)
Michael Jefferies: Impressive
Dani Maeda: Florianópolis - outras fotos
vitorczik: IMG_7928 - talha-mar
Jaci Moquiche: Gafanhoto